Using Vim Editor


2 min read

Vim is a highly configurable text editor that is used by many programmers and system administrators. It is a modal editor, which means that it has different modes for editing, navigating, and searching text. Vim is also a command-line editor, which means that it is controlled by keyboard commands.

Getting Started with Vim

The first step to using Vim is to open a file. You can do this by typing the following command in a terminal window:

vim filename

This will open the file filename in Vim. If the file does not exist, Vim will create it.

Once you have opened a file, you will be in the Normal mode. This is the mode that you use to navigate and edit text. You can use the following keys to navigate around the text:

  • h : Move left one character.

  • j : Move down one line.

  • k : Move up one line.

  • l : Move right one character.

You can also use the following keys to edit text:

  • i : Insert mode. This mode allows you to type text.

  • a : Append mode. This mode allows you to add text to the end of a line.

  • o : Open a new line below the current line.

  • O : Open a new line above the current line.

Vim Commands

Vim has a large number of commands that you can use to edit text. You can find a list of all of the commands in the Vim documentation.

Some of the most commonly used commands include:

  • :w : Save the file.

  • :q : Quit Vim.

  • :wq : Save the file and quit Vim.

  • / : Search for text.

  • ? : Search backwards for text.

  • n : Move to the next occurrence of the search text.

  • N : Move to the previous occurrence of the search text.

Vim Plugins

There are a number of Vim plugins that you can use to extend the functionality of Vim. You can find a list of all of the available plugins in the Vim plugin repository.

Some of the most popular Vim plugins include:


Vim is a powerful and versatile text editor that can be used for a variety of tasks. It has a steep learning curve, but it is well worth the effort to learn.
